Special Concerts & Events

The Black Rose has a few on-going music-related events and periodically sponsers special concert-like events, or partners with other organizations in the state to help promote their events.

Open Mic

Read all about our Open Mic events here
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Read all about our Showcase events here
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Every year on Memorial Day weekend, there is a fabulous 3-day festival called MeadowGrass at the La Foret Conference and Retreat Center, a partner of the Black Rose, just around the corner from where we have our concerts at the Black Forest Community Center. See rockymountainhighway.org/meadowgrass for more details.
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Mountian Harmony

One of the many musical partners of the Black Rose is “Mountain Harmony,” and local group of musicians who perform traditional music in the Pikes Peak region. You can read more about them here:

Mountain Harmony

They are currently looking for a new musical director to help them select and arrange the songs they perform. If you are interested, please contact:


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