Jam-Related Events
See details on our ongoing Songwriting Circle here.
For information on Contra Dancing events, click here.
In 2023, the Black Rose hosted its first SuperJam at the Flying W Ranch. Over 200 people gathered in the main hall to play a few well-known tunes before separating into 9 groups in a variety of styles. On May 4th, 2024, we held our 2nd SuperJam at the Calvary United Methodist Church with a very similar format.
Check our Facebook page for photos from both the 2023 and 2024 events, and our YouTube Channel for a fantastic video!
During COVID, we held scheduled jams online, with a program called JamKazam to connect remotely with other players. We are now back to live jams, but you may find this program useful for connecting with people in other locations for your own online jam.
JamKazam is a feature-rich, music-collaboration platform that enables remote players and singers to hear each other together and in sync in a virtual room. It helps greatly to overcome the problem of latency in computer-based music. Network latency is dependent on many factors, one being the physical distance between players. We’ve regularly used the platform locally with great success, and we’ve even found that it’s possible to jam with folks all around the country.
You can familiarize yourself with this great resource by downloading our free, getting-started document. For much more on the platform itself, check out the JamKazam website and the many tutorials on YouTube.