Why become a member?
The Rose depends on ticket sales, memberships, and the kindness of donors for its financial health. Your membership will enable us to bring you the best in traditional acoustic music, weekly jams, and fun, group classes. (It also subsidizes those tasty, inexpensive, home made treats at our shows.) By becoming a member or renewing your membership, you'll help us to keep our prices low and our value to you and the community high.
Your Black Rose membership entitles you to the following benefits:
$7.00 off our normal $15.00 concert ticket price (attend just 3-4 of our concerts a year and your membership pays for itself!)
$10.00 off Black Rose Music School group classes
Participation in any of our 7+ monthly jams
Participation in our bi-monthly open mic events
Participation in our monthly songwriting circle
Free postings on our music classified ads page
Enrollment in our electronic newsletter, sent twice a month on the Mondays before our Friday night concerts
Free postings on our performer and instructor page (performer or instructor memberships only)
That wonderful feeling in your heart that says your are helping to support local music
Won't you consider supporting the arts with a Black Rose membership? Become a member here.